
Subject to demand, during the Summer and into the Autumn we plan to organise a series of courses to help paddlers improve their personal paddling, leadership, coaching and rescue skills. This may include the courses as described below. Speak to your session leader if interested. 



Paddle Awards for Beginners:  Start, Discover and Explore 

These new awards were introduced by British Canoeing in 2019. They replace the old Star awards and are designed for beginners to the sport. These new awards are paddler focused and should inspire participants into a lifelong journey of paddlesport!

Start is for those getting into a boat for the first time. Generally the skills and theory are covered in our Starter Sessions. Here are the details of the Paddle Start award.

Discover takes participants on further, empowering them to develop confidence in their chosen craft in a sheltered water environment.

We coach the Paddle Discover Award.  Speak to your session instructor if interested.  Here are the details of the Paddle Discover award.

For the Paddle Explore Award details look here.



New Personal Performance Awards 

These new awards are designed to take you beyond the Paddle Discover and Explore. There are 12 disciplines, each with three levels, so a great deal of choice and flexibility. There are no age restrictions for starting. In addition people can choose whatever level they wish to start. The awards are paddler focused and allow participants to progress at their own rates.

For an overview of Personal Performance Awards look here.  Resources give you more detail and for Frome Canoe Club suggested disciplines click on Canoe Award, Slalom Explore Award, and White Water Award.


Foundation Safety and Rescue Training

The FSRT is intended for all paddlers, coaches and volunteers, irrespective of craft or discipline choice, and is available in either bank-based or boat-based options.  It provides training on key skills needed to operate safely and deal with common emergencies in a sheltered water environment.

Participants must hold the current Paddle Explore Award, 2 Star Award or be of equivalent ability.

Paddlesport Instructor 

The Paddlesport Instructor qualification is designed for instructors running paddlesport taster/starter sessions within the safety management systems of clubs, centres or other organisations in Very Sheltered Water environments and craft deemed suitable for a first-time experience.

Participants must have completed FSRT and be British Canoeing members.

Link to British Canoeing course information: Paddlesport Instructor

Aquatic First Aid 

An 8 hour qualification (L1) covers incident management, resuscitation, hypothermia and many other aspects of first aid applicable to canoeing.

The 16-hour course (L2) builds on the one-day course and provides candidates with a level of knowledge and skill to give first aid in a range of emergency situations in an outdoor environment where advanced medical assistance may be delayed. Day 2 includes some water-based practical sessions.


The syllabuses can be found through the British Canoeing Lifeguards website as follows: Aquatic First Aid
