Langham Farm Slalom 22nd April (FCC set)
Barle Trip 27th December
Dart Weekend 19th/20th November
Symonds Yat Slalom 15th October
Langham Farm Slalom 18th September
Langham Farm Slalom 17th September
Llandysul River Festival 7th August
L'Argentière Summer Training Camp
Bala Slalom 24th July
Biblins Weekend 25th June
Tryweryn Training 5th June
Bala Slalom 4th June
Langham Farm Slalom 22nd May
Langham Farm Slalom 21st May
Symonds Yat Slalom 7th May
Frome Trip 10th April
Symonds Yat Slalom 12th March
Usk Trip 16th January
Dart Loop 12th December
Frome Trip 28th November
Barle Trip 6th November
Jack's October Scotland Trip Day1, Day2, Day3
Lower Dart 17th October
Exe Trip 2nd October
Cardington Slalom 5th September
River Avon 18th July
Llandysul Slalom 10th/11th July
River Wye 27th June
Langham Farm Slalom 22nd May
FSRT 8th May
More Langham Farm 1st May
Langham Farm 1st May
Holme Pierrepont (HPP) 25th April
Amanda and Aimee FSRT Bristol Docks 5th April
Symonds Yat Slalom 25th October
Frome Trip 18th October
Langham Farm 17th and 18th October
Exe Trip 4th October
Langham Farm 30th August
Frome Trip 23rd February
Usk Trip 5th January
New Year's Day Paddle
Barle Trip 22nd December
Jack's October Scotland Trip
Dart Slalom 27th October
Tiverton Weekend 5th October
Frome Trip 8th September
Polo Tournament 6th September
Llandysul River Festival Kayathon 17th August
Biblins 14th July
Shepperton Slalom 13th July
Jack's French Alps video
Langham Farm Slalom 8th June
Winchester Slalom 19th May
Llandysul Slalom 19th May
Minislalom 3rd May
Frome trip 7th April
Exe trip 24th March
Frome Trip 10th March
Shepperton Slalom 3rd March
Usk trip 24th February
Dulverton Training Day 16th February
Symonds Yat Training Day 20th January
Lower Dart 6th January
New Year's Day Paddle
Tiverton Weekend 14th October
Nene Slalom 30th September
Frome Trip 23rd September
Jack at Wet West Paddle Fest (on the Etive, Upper Morriston, Lower Morriston and Falls of Falloch)
BBQ 9th September Creffield pictures and Duberry pictures
Llandysul River Festival 5th August
Boater X 8th July
Biblins 24th June
Langham Farm Slalom 10th June
Ogmore Slalom 26th May
Market Yard Slalom 13th May
Frome Trip 5th May
Minislalom 27th April
Llandysul Slalom 15th April
Lower Dart and Dart Loop 14th January
New Year's Day Paddle
Jack and George on the Tawe and Mellte 31st December
Youth Party 9th December
Exe Trip 3rd December
Frome Trip 19th November
Lower Dart 4th November - pictures from Pip Hallett
Halloween Party 1st November
Scotland October Trip Day 1 (Spean Gorge, Loy and Arkaig), Day 4 (Middle Orchy), Day 5 (Roy - Upper, Gorge and Lower) and Day 6 (Etive and Allt a' Chaoruinn)
Barle Trip 22nd October
Tiverton Weekend 8th October
Lee Valley Div 2 Slalom 17th September
Frome Trip 10th September
BBQ 3rd September
CIWW 13th August
Llandysul River Festival 5th August
Grand Team Event 9th July
Jack's Alps Trip Video June/July
Biblins Weekend 24th/25th June
Winchester Slalom 14th May
CIWW 7th May
Market Yard Slalom 30th April
Llandysul Slalom 23rd April
Exeter Loop 23rd April
Avon Loop 9th April
Symonds Yat Slalom 2nd April
Barle Trip 19th March
Dulverton Slalom 11th March
Frome Trip 5th March
Dart Loop Trip 19th February
Ogmore Trip 5th February
Awards Night 28th January
Exe Trip 22nd January
New Year's Day Paddle
Lower Dart Trip 18th December
Pool Session 9th December
Frome Trip 20th November
Teign Trip 19th November
Polo Match 18th November
Lower Dart Trip 23rd October
Frome Trip 18th September
Symonds Yat 11th September
40th Anniversary Celebrations 3rd September from Nik Palmer and Linz
Minislalom 12th August
Market Yard Slalom 10th July Prize Giving
Market Yard Slalom 10th July
Biblins Weekend 25th/26th June
Frome Trip 18th June
Langham Farm Slalom 5th June
Llandysul Slalom 22nd May
Avon Loop 21st May
Winchester Slalom 15th May
Exe Loop 24th April
Scotland at Easter - Mark's video
Frome Trip 6th March
Exe Trip 21st February
River Tawe 24th January Videos from Jack and George
Barle Trip 9th January
New Year's Day Paddle
Dart Loop 13th December
Frome Trip 15th November
Symonds Yat Slalom 17th October
Tiverton Weekend 3rd October
Frome Trip 20th September
Symonds Yat 12th September
Cardington Slalom 30th August
Fun and Games at the BBQ 9th August
Bala Mill Slalom 25th July
Market Yard Slalom 12th July
Frome Trip 5th July
Avon Circuit 22nd June
Langham Farm Slalom 6th June
Winchester Slalom 16th May
Exeter Loop 26th April
Washburn Div 2 Slalom 19th April
Frome Trip 22nd March
Exe Trip 22nd February
Dulverton Weir 11th January
New Year's Day Paddle
Exe Trip 2nd November
Barle Trip 19th October
Shepperton Slalom 18th October
Symonds Yat Slalom 12th October
Tiverton Weekend 4th October
Symonds Yat 21st September
Light Sabre Challenge 7th September
Cardington Slalom 30th August
Harefield Slalom 16th August
BBQ 10th August
Avon Trip 4th August
Biblins 5th July
Langham Farm Slalom 9th June
Winchester Slalom 17th May
Easter Egg Hunt 21st April
Frome 6th April
Tryweryn 15th March
Axe Race 9th March
Prizegiving 18th February
Frome 9th February
Exe 12th January
New Year's Day Paddle
Lower Dart 15th December
River Frome 17th November
Upper Dart 2nd November
Barle Trip 20th October
Shepperton Slalom 19th October
Tiverton Weekend 5th October
Pirates 'n Princesses 29th September
Symonds Yat 22nd September
Try-a-Boat Day 8th September
BBQ 11th August
Market Yard Slalom 21st July
Biblins 29th June
Shepperton Slalom 22nd June
Cardington Slalom 15th and 16th June
Langham Farm Slalom 8th and 9th June
Open Boat trip 26th May
Winchester Slalom 18th May
Grand Team Event 12th May
Bala Mill Slalom 4th and 5th May
River Meig Video - Scotland 12th April
River Frome 7th April
Shepperton Slalom Div 2 17th March
Dart Loop 6th January
New Year's Day Paddle
Dart Loop - Top Wave 23rd December
Lower Dart 16th December
Durrington Polo 9th December
River Frome 18th November
River Usk 18th November
SAS Hurley Classic 17th & 18th November
Shepperton Slalom 22nd September C2 Run
Symonds Yat 9th September
Cardington Slalom 1st/2nd September and video clips
Surf Weekend 25th/26th August
BBQ 5th August
Market Yard Slalom 15th July
Biblins 1st July
Minislalom 1 22nd June
Langham Farm Slalom 10th June
Langham Farm Slalom 9th June
Grand Team Event 20th May
GO Canoeing! 15th April
Easter Egg Hunt 9th April
Scotland 1st to 7th April
River Tryweryn video and pictures 11th March
Andrew at Tryweryn Slalom 4th March
River Frome 19th February from Kate and Alex
River Usk 12th February
Market Yard 5th February
River Exe 29th January
Upper Dart 8th January
New Year's Day Paddle
East Lyn 10th December
River Tavy 27th November Andy's pictures and Kate's pictures. Stu's swims 2 and 3.
Gareth's Upper Dart video 13th November
Dart Weekend 12th November - Upper Dart, and some from the Loop. Pandora's 1, 2 and 3. Andy.
River Frome 30th October
River Barle 23rd October
Tiverton Weekend 8th October pictures and video clips and more pictures
Cardiff International White Water 2nd October - Terry and Andrew
Last Slalom Training 13th September
Two Star 11th September
Cardington Slalom 3rd September
Surf Week/End 20th to 29th August
Nene Slalom 13th August
Langham Farm Minislalom Race 3 12th August
BBQ and Cardboard Challenge 7th August here and here
Lee Valley Legacy Slalom 6th August
Cardiff International White Water 31st July and more
Bradford on Avon Fun Day 24th July
Market Yard Slalom 17th July
Langham Farm Minislalom Race 2 8th July
River Avon 3rd July
Biblins 26th June - Alex's pictures and Kate's pictures
Ironbridge Slalom 25th June
2 Star Test 21st June
Langham Farm Minislalom Race 1 17th June
Langham Farm 10th June
Langham Farm Slalom 3rd June evening practice, 4th June and 5th June
Llandysul Slalom 21st May
First Polo Session 11th May
River Frome 8th May
Grand Easter Egg Hunt 24th April
Scotland pictures and trailer 9th-16th April
River Frome 10th April
Dart Loop and Lower 13th March
Shepperton Slalom 5th March
River Usk 27th February
River Exe 13th February
Sunday Morning 30th January
Social & Prizegiving 22nd January
Container Work Party 9th January
New Year's Day Paddle
River Barle 21st November
River Dart 6th and 7th November
River Usk Sennybridge 24th October
Advanced White Water Safety and Rescue 11th /12th September
BBQ and Cardboard Canoe Race 29th August
Surfing Weekend 14th / 15th August
Bradford-on-Avon trip 8th August
Langham Farm Minislaloms 11th June, 9th July, 6th August and more 6th August
Three Star 10th July
Market Yard Slalom 18th July
Ogmore Slalom 26th June
Langham Farm Slalom 19th / 20th June
Langham Farm Slalom Setup 13th June
Biblins 29th/30th May
Two Star Assessment 23rd May
Winchester Slalom 22nd May
White Water Safety and Rescue 15th/16th May
River Avon 9th May
Cardiff International White Water 2nd May
Loddon Slalom 2nd/3rd May
Scotland Video
River Frome 7th March
River Exe 28th February
4 Star Training 20th/21st February
Market Yard 14th February
River Dart 7th February
River Tavy 24th January
Dart Weekend 7th/8th November Pictures and Video
Tiverton Weekend 3rd/4th October Pictures and Video
Winchester Slalom 26th September
BBQ and Try-a-Boat 30th August
Surfing 15th August - Harlyn Bay Action and the full er monty
One Star 1st August
Bradford-on-Avon Trip 26th July
Market Yard Short Course Slalom 19th July
Biblins 5th July
Langham Farm Slalom 20th June Club Members and Others
Tryweryn 16th May
Cardington Slalom 9th May
Loddon Slalom 4th May
Winchester Slalom 25th April
Market Yard 22nd April
Scotland Video
River Frome 29th March
BBQ 3rd August
Langham Farm Slalom 31st May
River Tay May
Loddon Slalom 5th May
Winchester Slalom 26th April
More Tryweryn 6th April
Tryweryn 6th April
Upper Dart 10th February
Cardington Slalom
Scotland Video
Ironbridge Slalom
Cardington Slalom
Scotland Video